Your Layoff to Freelance Survival Guide
Your Layoff to Freelance Survival Guide
Right now, in spring 2023, media layoffs are seemingly never-ending.
If you are thinking of becoming a freelancer after working as a full-time employee, we bundled together resources that can be helpful in kickstarting your own business.
PS, be sure to check out our free resource — a worksheet to help you process your layoff and evaluate next steps.
The digital download here includes the following resources, collectively valued at $140:
A freelance business plan: Four worksheets to define your values, services; design your own benefits package and your money plan
How to pitch: A library full of successful pitches that have landed in The New York Times, High Country News, Longreads, and beyond; a template to use for all your story pitches
A guide to marketing yourself: Tipsheets on how to best describe what you do and how to give a fresh layer of paint to your portfolio page.
Webinar: How to price freelance projects: After defining your rates and services, you’ll now have to price freelance projects. Here, we and Melanie Padgett Powers and Jennifer Duann Fultz share our best tips on pricing projects. (Audio only, email us for the video recording)
Webinar: Mental health for freelancers: A webinar with psychologist Fritz Galette and freelancer Ruksana Hussain on managing mental health as a freelancer. (Audio only, email us for the video recording)
Tracking prospective clients: A spreadsheet that takes a past, present, and future approach to help you track clients you could work with